A | |
AVLMap [Reins] | |
AVLSet [Reins] | |
AVL_GenKeyMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
AVL_GenMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
AVL_GenSet [Reins.AVLSet] |
This functor is similar to the
Reins.AVLSet.GenSet module above,
except it allows the user to specify the maximum difference
between the heights of two subtrees at a node with HeightDiff.v .
AVL_KeyMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
AVL_Map [Reins.AVLMap] | |
AVL_MonoSet [Reins.AVLSet] |
This functor is similar to the
Reins.AVLSet.MonoSet module above,
except it allows the user to specify the maximum difference
between the heights of two subtrees at a node with HeightDiff.v .
AVL_PMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
AVL_PolySet [Reins.AVLSet] |
This functor is similar to the
Reins.AVLSet.PolySet module above,
except it allows the user to specify the maximum difference
between the heights of two subtrees at a node with HeightDiff.v .
Arg [Reins.Quickcheck.Law] |
A value of type Arg.t will be randomly generated and passed to
the law function below.
B | |
Benchmark [Reins.OracleSet] | |
Big_int [Reins.Types] | |
BinomialHeap [Reins] | |
Bool [Reins.Types] | |
C | |
CatenableList [Reins] | |
Char [Reins.Types] | |
Check [Reins.Quickcheck] | |
Close [Reins.Types.Poly] |
This module can be used to "close" a series of functors to
produce a module with a parameterized type.
Comparable3Tuple [Reins.Types.Mono] | |
ComparablePair [Reins.Types.Mono] | |
Complex [Reins.Types] | |
ComposeComparable [Reins.Types.Mono] | |
ComposeComparable [Reins.Types.Poly] | |
ComposeGen [Reins.Types.Mono] | |
ComposeGen [Reins.Types.Poly] | |
ComposeGenComparable [Reins.Types.Mono] | |
ComposeGenComparable [Reins.Types.Poly] | |
D | |
DoubleList [Reins] | |
DoubleQueue [Reins] | |
Dug [Reins] | |
DugADT [Reins] | |
DugExtractor [Reins] | |
DugGenerator [Reins] | |
DugProfile [Reins] | |
E | |
Extractor [Reins.OracleSet] | |
F | |
Float [Reins.Types] | |
From_List [Reins.ListIterator] |
Create a list iterator for the list
L using the standard
List_Cursor interface for the cursor.
G | |
Gen1 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
Gen2 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
Gen3 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
Gen3Tuple [Reins.Types.Mono] | |
GenHeap [Reins.SkewBinomialHeap] | |
GenHeap [Reins.BinomialHeap] | |
GenKey1 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
GenKey2 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
GenKey3 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
GenKeyMap [Reins.SplayMap] | |
GenKeyMap [Reins.RBMap] | |
GenKeyMap [Reins.PatriciaMap] | |
GenKeyMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
GenMap [Reins.SplayMap] | |
GenMap [Reins.RBMap] | |
GenMap [Reins.PatriciaMap] | |
GenMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
GenPair [Reins.Types.Mono] | |
GenSet [Reins.SplaySet] |
This functor is similar to the
Reins.SplaySet.MonoSet functor except
it is parameterized by a module that also supports the gen
GenSet [Reins.RBSet] |
This functor is similar to the
Reins.RBSet.MonoSet functor except it
is parameterized by a module that also supports the gen
GenSet [Reins.PatriciaSet] |
Same as the
Reins.PatriciaSet.MonoSet module, except it also provides
the gen function.
GenSet [Reins.AVLSet] |
This functor is similar to the
Reins.AVLSet.MonoSet functor except
it is parameterized by a module that also supports the gen
GenSet1 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_GenSet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 1
GenSet2 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_GenSet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 2
GenSet3 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_GenSet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 3
H | |
Heaps [Reins] | |
I | |
Id [Reins.Dug] | |
Int [Reins.Types] | |
Int32 [Reins.Types] | |
Int64 [Reins.Types] | |
Iterator [Reins] | |
L | |
ListCursor [Reins] | |
ListIterator [Reins] | |
Lists [Reins] | |
M | |
Make [Reins.DugGenerator] | |
Make [Reins.DugProfile] | |
Make [Reins.DoubleList] | |
Make [Reins.TreeSetIterator] |
Create an iterator for a Set (note that this implicitly supports
both MonoSets and PolySets).
Make [Reins.ListIterator] |
Create a list iterator from an arbitrary cursor type
Make [Reins.ListCursor] | |
Maps [Reins] | |
Mono [Reins.Types] |
Signatures/functors for modules with unparameterized
(monomorphic) types
Mono1 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
Mono2 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
Mono3 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
MonoHeap [Reins.SkewBinomialHeap] | |
MonoHeap [Reins.BinomialHeap] | |
MonoKey1 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
MonoKey2 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
MonoKey3 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
MonoKeyMap [Reins.SplayMap] | |
MonoKeyMap [Reins.RBMap] | |
MonoKeyMap [Reins.PatriciaMap] | |
MonoKeyMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
MonoMap [Reins.SplayMap] | |
MonoMap [Reins.RBMap] | |
MonoMap [Reins.PatriciaMap] | |
MonoMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
MonoSet [Reins.SplaySet] |
This functor provides an implementation of Splay trees that are
parameterized by a specific monomorphic element type.
MonoSet [Reins.RBSet] |
This functor provides an implementation of RedBlack trees that are
parameterized by a specific monomorphic element type.
MonoSet [Reins.PatriciaSet] |
This module implements sets with integer keys
MonoSet [Reins.AVLSet] |
This functor provides an implementation of AVL trees that are
parameterized by a specific monomorphic element type.
MonoSet1 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_MonoSet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 1
MonoSet2 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_MonoSet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 2
MonoSet3 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_MonoSet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 3
N | |
Nativeint [Reins.Types] | |
O | |
Option [Reins.Types] | |
Oracle [Reins] | |
OracleList [Reins] | |
OracleSet [Reins] | |
P | |
PatriciaMap [Reins] | |
PatriciaSet [Reins] | |
Poly [Reins.Types] |
Signatures/functors for modules with parameterized (polymorphic)
Poly1 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
Poly2 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
Poly3 [Reins.AVLMap] | |
PolyHeap [Reins.SkewBinomialHeap] | |
PolyHeap [Reins.BinomialHeap] | |
PolyMap [Reins.SplayMap] | |
PolyMap [Reins.RBMap] | |
PolyMap [Reins.AVLMap] | |
PolySet [Reins.SplaySet] |
This module provides an implementation of Splay trees with a
polymorphic element type.
PolySet [Reins.RBSet] |
This module provides an implementation of RedBlack trees with a
polymorphic element type.
PolySet [Reins.AVLSet] |
This module provides an implementation of AVL trees with a
polymorphic element type.
PolySet1 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_PolySet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 1
PolySet2 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_PolySet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 2
PolySet3 [Reins.AVLSet] | Reins.AVLSet.AVL_PolySet instanced with HeightDiff.v = 3
Q | |
Quickcheck [Reins] | |
R | |
RBMap [Reins] | |
RBSet [Reins] | |
Ratio [Reins.Types] | |
Reins |
The OCaml Reins library
S | |
SList [Reins] | |
Sets [Reins] | |
SkewBinaryList [Reins] | |
SkewBinomialHeap [Reins] | |
SplayMap [Reins] | |
SplaySet [Reins] | |
String [Reins.Types] | |
T | |
TreeSetIterator [Reins] | |
Types [Reins] | |
V | |
Version [Reins] |