Module Reins.Sets

module Sets: sig .. end

Signatures for set ADTs.
module type Set_ = sig .. end
This module represents the core functionality of Sets.
module type MonoSetSig = sig .. end
A Reins.Sets.Set_ whose elements are monomorphic (possibly using a custom comparison function
module type MonoSetSigFn = functor (C : Reins.Types.Mono.Comparable) -> MonoSetSig  with type elt = C.t
module type MonoSetSigFnStd = functor (C : Reins.Types.Mono.Comparable) -> MonoSetSig  with type elt = C.t and type 'a result = 'a
module type GenSetSig = sig .. end
The same as Reins.Sets.MonoSetSig except includes a gen function
module type GenSetSigFn = functor (C : Reins.Types.Mono.ArbitraryComparable) -> GenSetSig  with type elt = C.t
module type GenSetSigFnStd = functor (C : Reins.Types.Mono.ArbitraryComparable) -> GenSetSig  with type elt = C.t and type 'a result = 'a
module type PolySetSig = sig .. end
A Reins.Sets.Set_ whose elements are polymorphic.
module type PolySetSigStd = PolySetSig  with type ('a,'b) result = 'a