Module Reins.PatriciaMap

module PatriciaMap: sig .. end

Efficient maps over integers
module MonoKeyMap: Reins.Maps.MonoKeyMapSig  with type key = int
			and type 'e elt = 'e
module GenKeyMap: Reins.Maps.GenKeyMapSig  with type key = int
		       and type 'e elt = 'e
module MonoMap: 
functor (C : Reins.Types.Mono.Comparable) -> Reins.Maps.MonoMapSig with type key = int and type elt = C.t
module GenMap: 
functor (C : Reins.Types.Mono.ArbitraryComparable) -> Reins.Maps.GenMapSig with type key = int and type elt = C.t