Module type Reins.Maps.MonoMapSigFn

module type MonoMapSigFn = functor (K : Reins.Types.Mono.Comparable) -> functor (V : Reins.Types.Mono.Comparable) -> MonoMapSig  with type key = K.t and type elt = V.t
K : Reins.Types.Mono.Comparable
V : Reins.Types.Mono.Comparable

type t 
type key 
type elt 
type cursor 
type 'a result 
include Reins.Maps.Map_
val compare_keys : t -> t -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
val to_string : t -> string
val gen2 : (?size:int -> Random.State.t -> key) ->
(?size:int -> Random.State.t -> elt) ->
?size:int -> Random.State.t -> t